2011 Conference

Papers – Labour history & its people

Welcome and Message from Prime Minister

Note on Refereeing Process

Part One:  Labour Historians and their Organisations, Sources and Methods

  1. Entwined Associations: Labour history and its people in Canberra

Melanie Nolan

  1.  ‘Understand the Past, Act on the Present, Shape the Future’ -Transcript of Eric Fry’s Account of the History of the ASSLH
  2. Melbourne Labour History: A Collective Biography of its First Generation

 Peter Love

  1. Labour History in Western Australia and the role of the ASSLH, Perth Branch

Bobbie Oliver

  1. Purposes almost infinitely varying: Archives as sources for labour biography

Maggie Shapley

  1.  Activists in Aggregate:  Collective Biography, Labour History, and the Biographical Register of the Australian Labour Movement, 1788-1975

Andrew Moore, Yasmin Rittau, John Shields

  1. Raphael Samuel: A Biography in Development

Sophie Scott-Brown

Part Two: Labour Biography, subaltern cultures and identities

  1. Frank Macnamara: A Convict Poet in Australia

Mark Gregory

  1. A ‘Virtual Walk’ Down Pitt Street in 1858: Uncovering the Hidden Women Workers of Colonial Sydney

Cath Bishop

  1. Bastards from the Bush’: forgotten IWW Activists

 Drew Cottle & Rowan Day

11. ‘That’s not right’: Indigenous politics, Dexter Daniels and 1968

Julie Kimber

  1. ‘Shirley Andrews: social idealist for Aboriginal rights or agent of the CPA

Sue Taffe

  1. Labour women and the White Australia policy

Patricia Clarke

  1. Labour Biography on the Screen: the case of Freda Brown

Rosemary Webb & Lisa Milner

  1. Framing the Union: The Changing Images of Unionists on Screen

Lisa Milner

Part Three: Labour Biography: Place, Transnationalism and Crossing Borders

  1. The Political Cultures of the Irish Diaspora: Some Comparative Reflections, 1800-1920

Donald M. MacRaild

  1. Biography and Mobility in the Industrial Workers of the World in Australia 1911-1922:
    A Brief Review

Frank Cain

  1. ‘By Tomorrow I May Be Flying’: Patrick Hodgens Hickey, a case study in Transnational Labour Biography

Peter Clayworth

  1. The ‘Radical’ Archbishop of Canterbury,
    Dr William Temple

Doris LeRoy

  1. Harry Atkinson and the Socialist Church, 1896-1906

James Taylor

  1. Labour History and Labour Biography beyond National Boundaries: Britain and Australia from the late 19th century to the interwar years

Neville Kirk

 Part Four: Biography, Organisation & Activism

  1. From Saxony to South Brisbane: the German-Australian socialist Hugo Kunze

Andrew G. Bonnell

  1. Reinstating ‘Casual Connelly’: a Labour pioneer and the struggle for political rights for public servants in New Zealand

Peter Franks

  1. Anti-Communism Undermined: The Uncomfortable Alliances of W. C. Wentworth

Lachlan Clohesy

  1. ‘We never recovered from that strike’: The Aftermath of the 1951 Waterfront Lockout and Supporting Strikes

Grace Millar

  1. A Leftist in Cold War Canberra: Bruce Yuill

Stephen Holt

  1. A not unimportant role’: industry peak unions and inter-union organizing

Cathy Brigden

  1. Much more than green bans: locating the New South Wales Builders Labourers’ Federation in the history of international trade unionism

Verity Burgmann & Meredith Burgmann