Articles and Publications

You can access articles and publications by a range of methods described below.

Category list (on any page)

Every page has a Category menu on the right hand side. Selecting any category or sub-category on this list will display a page containing the content belonging to that category.


You can search for any article or publication by entering text into the search box on any page.

This will find documents where either the title or page contents contain the text you search for. Note, the only exception is for documents held as PDF files. The content of these documents is not searchable.

Entering multiple words in the search box will find content containing both words, anywhere in the content. If you want to find content containing a phrase, put double quotes around the words, eg “labor history”.

Conference papers

We have full transcripts of papers presented at the 2001 and 2011 biennial Conferences.

They are listed on these pages:


Some blurb about the following publications.

  • Work, Organisation, Struggle – Papers from the seventh national labour history conference Canberra April 2001. Edited by Phil Griffiths and Rosemary Webb. (Out of print)
  • A few rough reds: stories of rank and file organising. Edited by Hal Alexander and Phil Griffiths. 2003 (Out of print)
  • Labour History and its People – Papers from the twelfth national labour history conference Canberra September 2011. Edited by Melanie Nolan.

Content by Author

The list of Authors can be found here. You can view their articles by selecting their name.

Content by Topic

The list of Topics can be found here. You can view the topic’s articles by clicking on the topic.

 Content by Type

The list of content Types can be found here. You can view articles by clicking on the type.