
AAESDA                                 Association of Architects, Engineers, Surveyors and Draftsmen of                                                       Australia

ABC                                         Australian Broadcasting Corporation

ABS                                          Australian Bureau of Statistics

ACOA                                      Administrative and Clerical Officers Association

ACSPA                                    Australian Council of Salaried and Professional Associations

ACT                                          Australian Capital Territory

ACTU                                      Australian Council of Trade Unions

ADSTE                                     Association of Draughting Supervisory and Technical Employees

AEU                                         Amalgamated Engineering Union

AIF                                           Australian Imperial Force

AIRC                                        Australian Industrial Relations Commission

ALP                                          Australian Labor Party

AMA                                       Australian Medical Association

AMIEU                                   Australasian Meat Industry Employee’s Union

AMWU                                   Australian Manufacturing Workers Union
(prev Amalgamated Metal Workers Union)

ANU                                        Australian National University

APEA                                       Association of Professional Engineers Australia

APESMA                                Association of Professional Engineers Scientists and Managers                                                             Australia

ASC&J                                     Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners

ASIO                                        Australian Security Intelligence Organisation

ASU                                         Australian Services Union

ATAEA                                    Australian Theatrical and Amusement Employees Association

AWA                                       Australian Workplace Agreement

AWU                                       Australian Workers Union

BLF                                           Builders Labourers Federation

BWIU                                      Building Workers Industrial Union

CAGEO                                   Council of Australian Government Employee Organisations

CFMEU                                   Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union

CLP                                          Country Liberal Party

CPA                                         Communist Party of Australia

CPAML                                   Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist)

CPI                                           consumer price index

CPSU                                       Community and Public Sector Union

CSIRO                                     Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation

DAS                                         Department of Administrative Services

DEETYA                                  Department of Employment, Education, Training and Youth Affairs

EASED                                     = AAESDA (see above)

EFA = IFA                               individual flexibility arrangements

ETU                                          Electrical Trades Union

FCU                                         Federated Clerks Union

FEDFA                                     Federated Engine Drivers and Firemens Association

FIME=FIMEE                        Federation of Industrial Manufacturing and Engineering Employees

FMWU                                   Federated Miscellaneous Workers Union

FSTW                                      Federation of Scientific and Technical Workers

HEF                                          Health Employees Federation

HREA                                       Health and Research Employees Association

HSUA                                      Health Services Union of Australia

IRC                                           Industrial Relations Commission (=AIRC)

LHMU                                     Australian Liquor Hospitality and Miscellaneous Workers Union

LTU                                          Liquor Trades Union (Federated Liquor and Allied Industries Union)

MBA                                        Master Builders Association

MEAA                                     Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance

MEWU                                   Metals and Engineering Workers Union

MHR                                        Member of the House of Representatives

MUA                                       Maritime Union of Australia

MWU                                      Miscellaneous Workers Union (Federated Miscellaneous Workers Union)

NCA/MWU                           =AMWU

NRMA                                    National Roads and Motorists Association

NTEU                                      National Tertiary Education Industry Union

OHS                                         Occupational Health and Safety

Painters                                 Operative Painters and Decorators Union

Plasterers                             Operative Plasterers and Plaster Workers Federation

PMG                                       Postmaster-General’s Department

POA                                         Professional Officers Association

PSU                                         Public Sector/Service Union (=CPSU)

PTTA                                       Postal Telecommunications Technicians Association

SDA                                         Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association

SMA                                        Snowy Mountains Authority

TLC                                           Trades and Labour Council

TUTA                                       Trade Union Training Authority

TWU                                        Transport Workers Union

UCATT                                    Union of Construction, Allied Trades and Technicians (Scotland)