Transcripts of interviews


  Name Union position Page
1 Doug Carpenter Branch Secretary TWU and TLC President 1
2 Amos McVeigh Branch & Fed Secretary Liquor Trades Union 9
3 Bill Spellman Branch Organiser AWU 21
4 Charles McDonald Secretary Trades & Labour Council 29
5 Athol Williams Organiser SDA 44
6 Dave Cunningham Organiser BWIU 55
7 Peter O’Dea Branch Secretary BLF and TLC President 64
8 Ted Forbes Branch Secretary FMWU and TLC President 73
9 Des Heaney Branch Secretary ADSTE & AMWU 82
10 Gil Anderson Branch Secretary LHMU 91
11 Jeremy Pyner Industrial Officer BWIU and TLC Secretary 99
12 George Wason Branch Secretary CFMEU 108
13 Rob Hampstead Industrial Officer MEAA 118
14 Bob O’Hara Branch Secretary AMWU 128
  Index   135