Name | Union position | Page | |
1 | Doug Carpenter | Branch Secretary TWU and TLC President | 1 |
2 | Amos McVeigh | Branch & Fed Secretary Liquor Trades Union | 9 |
3 | Bill Spellman | Branch Organiser AWU | 21 |
4 | Charles McDonald | Secretary Trades & Labour Council | 29 |
5 | Athol Williams | Organiser SDA | 44 |
6 | Dave Cunningham | Organiser BWIU | 55 |
7 | Peter O’Dea | Branch Secretary BLF and TLC President | 64 |
8 | Ted Forbes | Branch Secretary FMWU and TLC President | 73 |
9 | Des Heaney | Branch Secretary ADSTE & AMWU | 82 |
10 | Gil Anderson | Branch Secretary LHMU | 91 |
11 | Jeremy Pyner | Industrial Officer BWIU and TLC Secretary | 99 |
12 | George Wason | Branch Secretary CFMEU | 108 |
13 | Rob Hampstead | Industrial Officer MEAA | 118 |
14 | Bob O’Hara | Branch Secretary AMWU | 128 |
Index | 135 |