Note on Refereeing Process

In accordance with the Australian Government’s Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research’s Higher Education Research Data Collection (HERDC) Criteria, the papers published in these Proceedings meet the definition of research in that:

  1. The 12th National Labour History Conference is a conference of national and international significance;
  2. Each paper in the refereed stream, in its entirety, was double blind, peer reviewed before publication by independent, qualified experts;
  3. The proceedings will be made available to libraries; and
  4. Author affiliation is identified for each paper.

The conference organizing committee would like to acknowledge the following for refereeing the papers for 12th National Labour History Conference Proceedings:

Frank Bongiorno                                Australian National University
Tom Bramble                                      University of Queensland
Verity Burgmann                              University of Melbourne
Drew Cottle                                        University of Western Sydney
Ann Curthoys                                    University of Sydney
Rae Francis                                        University of Melbourne
Peter Franks                                       Department of Labour, Wellington
Keith Gildart                                      University of Wolverhampton, UK
Mark Hearn                                       Macquarie University
Victoria Haskins                                University of Newcastle
Tom Heenan                                       Monash University
David Howell                                     University of York, UK
Michael Hess                                      University of New South Wales at the Australian
                                                            Defence Force Academy
Terry Irving                                       University of Sydney
Julie Kimber                                       Swinburne University of Technology
Peter Kirkpatrick                                University of Sydney
Jim McAloon                                      Victoria University of Wellington
Malcolm Mackerras                           University of New South Wales at the Australian
                                                          Defence Force Academy
Andrew Moore                                   University of Western Sydney
Bobbie Oliver                                     Curtin University of Technology
Erik Olssen                                        University of Otago
Fran Shor                                           Wayne State University, Detroit
John Stenhouse                                   University of Otago
Glenda Strachan                                Griffith University