Category Archives: Oliver, Bobbie

2011 ASSLH conference – Labour History in Western Australia and the role of the ASSLH, Perth Branch


Labour History in Western Australia and the role of the ASSLH, Perth Branch1

Bobbie Oliver


This paper surveys the current state of labour history teaching and research in Western Australia.  It argues that, while a form of labour history remains viable in labour relations, management or productivity research, it is disappearing as an undergraduate subject in University History Departments.

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2001 ASSLH conference – The formation and role of an independent trades and labor council in Western Australia: A case study

Bobbie Oliver
Teaching and Research Fellow, Research Institute for Cultural Heritage, Curtin University


This paper argues that adopting the Australian Labor Federation model, with the political and industrial wings in one organisation, made the labour movement in Western Australia significantly different from its counterparts in the eastern states of Australia. Continue reading