Humphrey McQueen
The death of cricketer Phillip Hughes on 27 November was one of several hundred workplace fatalities during 2014. Continue reading
The death of cricketer Phillip Hughes on 27 November was one of several hundred workplace fatalities during 2014. Continue reading
Keynote address
The triple theme of the conference not only allows a review to be made of the industrial past—it, more importantly, allows a prediction to be made of the organisational needs and types of struggle to be experienced by worker collectives in the century ahead. Continue reading
‘Understand the Past, Act on the Present, Shape the Future’
Transcript of Eric Fry’s Account of the History of the ASSLH
I will be talking about the formation of the Australian Society for the Study of Labour History in 1961 and its early years to the mid-1960s. The formation of the Australian Society for the Study of Labour History – Labour History Society for short – was a decisive occasion in Australian labour history, Continue reading